17 things every Milspouse learns when they have a baby

It’s funny how two little pink lines can throw a couple into a total frenzy. There seems to be something in the water on every military base that leaves each spouse with an extra friend attached to their hip or one in their belly when they PCS. If you’re a Milspouse expecting a little one or recently had your “quarantine baby,” you can probably relate to these 17 facts and realizations about having a baby while married to the military.

1. There’s never going to be a perfect time. EVER. We waite

Advice for the career-driven MilSpouse (from a career-driven MilSpouse)

Six different short-term jobs, a degree that spanned over three colleges and took five years to complete, while moving to four different states and two countries? Is this the resume of a nomad who can’t hold a job or could it be a military spouse? Would you hire this person if you didn’t know the context? Seems like a loose cannon… well guess what, this is my resume; a military spouse that moved across the world and back while juggling a communications degree and trying to keep my career afloat.

Tips for a MilSpouse living overseas

Living overseas as a military spouse isn’t always easy, but it can be rewarding.

I am guessing you are probably a milspouse if you’re reading this. Well, unlike the military member you married, this article comes with a warning label: Be aware that moving overseas may cause confusion and may not end up being the amazing adventure you dreamed up in your head.

Granted, there will be moments when you feel like you’re exploring the wild and could be straight out of an “Indiana Jones” movie, but fo

5 Things you need to know about moving overseas for a PCS

Moving overseas can be daunting but a smooth transition during your PCS (Permanent Change of Station) can make all the difference.

Let me start by saying that when I signed that dotted line to become husband and wife, the last thing on my mind was the military. I knew I was marrying a military man, I knew it would come with its challenges, but coming from a very nonmilitary background, I didn’t fully know what I was signing up for. Looking back, I wish I could tell that girl, “Hold onto your ha

Women help bolster Japan's farming industry

Atsue Durrant spent most of her career as an office worker, but she always felt like something was missing.

She was a multi-discipline artist and used photography as a form of self-expression. However, it wasn’t until she quit her office job, with the support of her husband Cameron Durrant, that she was able to indulge her creative side by starting a farm in Mizuho, western Tokyo, just outside of the U.S. Yokota Air Base.

With a partner able to support and encourage her, Atsue felt she could f

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